Kadyrov Chechen State University

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Important dates:

Submission of articles in English - March 19, 2023

Conference date - March 30, 2023


To register for the conference, it is enough to email the registration form and the article to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Forms of participation in the conference:

- correspondence (publication of the article in the conference proceedings).

Together with the article and the registration form is sent to the organizing committee 



Section 1. Innovative educational technologies and the use of virtual research tools;

Section 2. Institutional economics: history, problems and prospects;

Section 3. International and intercultural communication in the global world;

Section 4. Political and legal ideas of modern times;

Section 5. Humanities in the digital age;

Section 6. Actual problems of history and philosophy.

Have you decided to take part? Read the terms and conditions!Participate


Section 1. Innovative educational technologies and the use of virtual research tools;

Section 2. Institutional economics: history, problems and prospects;

Section 3. International and intercultural communication in the global world;

Section 4. Political and legal ideas of modern times;

Section 5. Humanities in the digital age;

Section 6. Actual problems of history and philosophy.


Important dates


Registration and submission of articles in English - March 30, 2023

Submission of articles in Russian is possible, subject to ordering a translation from the conference organizer on a paid basis

Conference dates

March 30, 2023

Please, email papers and documents to shcms_2023@mail.ru